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About Dot Procter

Artist Statement
Craft Fair 2.jpg

My first real art education came from my mother and grandmother, who were both artists. They taught me that art is fun, important and healing. My mother had a wonderful sense of design. She taught me that art can have deep personal meaning. From my grandmother I learned that I can make art anywhere and nature is a worthwhile subject. Many other teachers have helped me along the way as well. 

Color has always been the primary passion that keeps me making art. I never knew I was an artist growing up. I did not like art class in school, nor did I like to draw. What I loved from the time I was tiny was sorting things by color. The more colors, the better. I sorted object, papers, crayons, clothes, candy...I could take two or more of anything and happily sort it by color. Luckily I was the fourth child and my parents were very happy that I was occupied in a non-harmful activity.

Today when I look out in nature, I am simply sorting the colors in front of my eyes. I ask myself, "What color is that, and that, and that?" And when I am painting from my imagination, I am asking myself, "What color is next?" One luscious color after another. 


Short Movie

produced by Katherine Morris in 2016

Selected Public Collections

MD Anderson Cancer & Wellness Center, Houston, TX

American Sport Fishing Association, Alexandria, VA
Collier, Shannon, Rill and Scott, Washington, DC
Indigo Landing Restaurant, Alexandria, VA
TIAA-CREF, Washington, DC
Woodside Pediatrics, Washington, DC & Silver Spring, MD


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