Small Art by Dot Procter
I am an energetic painter. I love getting messy. I am rough with my paints and brushes. I drip and spill. I am not tuned to fine, delicate work. I am naturally suited to painting on large canvases. However, during the last 8 months I have found comfort and solice in making small paintings and collages. I call them my "Small Steps". They helped me move through my life "one step at a time". They are not all titled, so I have numbered them for identifying purposes. They are mounted and hanging-ready.
I have added some small paintings done in Italy. Most of theses were done in acrylic paint, but it was there that I learned about and dabbled in gouache. since returning home I have been enjoying using gouache around the DC area. I now love the portability and the brilliance of this new-to-me medium. There are also an assortment of landscape collages. Collage is what I call my 'comfort medium', that I come back to again and again when I am not sure what to do. I love ripping sorting and gluing paper. I find it mindless and surprising!
All Images © 2021 by Dot Procter