Here are some photos taken at various stages of this painting. I wasn’t sure where it was going. Some paintings are straight-forward. This one I had to chase!

Stage 1:

I started by painting random shapes on a large canvas. I chose one of those shapes and filled it in with circles of all sizes. I painted one word in a different color in each circle. I then painted around the letters, again using a different color in each circle. I had no idea what to do next.
Stage 2:

A few days later, I decided to work back into the original shapes. l painted layers of words over the entire canvas, randomly choosing colors and orientation.
Stage 3:

Then I decided to cover all the words up, except for a few around the edges. At this point I decided make a landscape, allowing some of the patterning of the words to show through.
Stage 4:

I felt the landscape needed to have more texture. I tried adding a grid by dripping different colors of paint along each of the four sides.
Stage 5:

At this point I seemed to have lost the landscape. What next? When in doubt I use collage! I intuitively began matching up torn pieces of magazine pages (I have stacks of torn papers sorted by color).
Stage 6:

With layers of paint, I was able to integrate the painting with the collage pieces. This is when the magic happened and the painting came to life!